This new site is based on my personal photographic journey around the United States, and the world, which began for me on a Wednesday in August 2006 with this email:
Right now I'm in Orlando, and will be in Florida for the next few months. I was thinking about sending out a weekly photo to tell everyone what I've been up to. I probably won't write much in the email because group emails are generally annoying, but I thought I'd send out some photos from time to time. With that said, here's the first photo:
Tropical storm Ernesto brewing on the horizon.
Wednesday, 8/30/06
This email sparked what has become for me a long and fun documentation of my life. Every Wednesday I send out a new photo.
Sometimes the photos have been silly

or pretty

or just a snapshot of something I saw that week.

But all together, they tell the story of my life.
This website invites you to join in on the fun. I want to know about YOU, your life, the things you value, the things you see on the street in your town, the members of your family.
Please submit your photos to Each Wednesday I will post a selection of photos on this site. I ask you to please tell your friends and family about this site and invite them to share as well. Over time, this place will begin to tell the story of our society, and of our time. Each week, your story has a chance to be told. I invite you to tell it.
Thank you.