Wednesday 5.13.09

Thank you for sharing photos of all the beautiful women in your life!

Sent in by Sarah
"My sister is one of my heroine and my neices will turn out to be amazing women one day."

Sent in by Kevin

"This is my mom, new sister in law, and the bridal party preparing for the wedding in Hawaii with a spa day."

Sent in by Missy

"Expectant mother glow"

Sent in by Jen
"This is a picture of myself and my 2 good friends, Kate and Averi. This picture captures the essence of what makes every great friendship work—laughter."

Sent in by Abby
"My 89 year old grandmother and her newborn great-great niece.""

Sent in by Connie

"This is my mother and my daughter arm wrestling. You can see who's winning!"

Sent in by Gordon
"Women at the Nines"
Next week's theme is: YOUR FAVORITE PLACE.