"On our final night in Yelapa, Mexico, we took in one of the most beautiful sunsets we'd ever seen. the rainy season coming to a close, and the tourists not yet arrived, we had the beach to ourselves, in a place reminiscent of a world gone by..."

Photo by Kori
"I took this photo lying on a bench in the park blocks while a friend and I talked about, well, nothing."

Photo by Ryan
"Some things in life are too good not to indulge...including snapping this photo at my sister's wedding!"

Photo by Pam
"A photo taken from Grant Park in Chicago, it is a view of the southwestern part of the city, from where I was standing at least! Grant Park has free concerts and free movies, you can put down a blanket, drink some wine, and sing and laugh with your friends all summer long!"

Photo by Kevin
"Ship anchored of the coast of Corn Island in Nicaragua. It was very dark out....left the shutter open for about 2 min. I love playing with low light situations."
"When we were in Belgrade, our friend took us to the Cathedral of St Sava, the main cathedral of the Serbian Orthodox Church. It was undergoing renovation, and the construction dust created beams of light from the upper windows."
Next week's theme is: SUMMER.
Please send them in to wednesdayphotos@gmail.com.
Please send them in to wednesdayphotos@gmail.com.