Hello readers of Wednesday Photos.
I am writing to let you all know that this website will be taking a short break from publishing weekly photos. I have been seeing a decline in the number of photo submissions lately and I want to take some time to evaluate the site and its future. I had hoped to run photos continuously for one full year, since it started the first week of 2009. Unfortunately I have not had enough time to market and promote the blog, and updating it on a weekly basis has become a big task. I am so happy to have provided you all with eight months of wonderful photos, and I hope you will all enjoy this look back at the many, many photos that have graced this website since its inception.
I do have plans to do more with WednesdayPhotos.com in the near future, but there may be a few changes to the site or the project as a whole. If you have any comments, suggestions, or simply some photos that you'd like to share, please send them my way. You know how to contact me! wednesdayphotos at gmail dot com.
Thank you to all who have read this blog, and many, many thanks to all who have sent me photos. Please stay tuned for more exciting changes with this site.
Wednesday 08.05.09
Please enjoy these most beautiful photos, and a wide interpretation on the theme "WATER". As always, thank you for sending in your lovely photographs.

Photo by Michelle
"Jellyfish at the Georgia Aquarium"
"Hey I really like water. It's my home. Wanna come share it with me? I live just outside New Orleans. Come by any time."
"The bottom of the water glass"
"This is a thermal pool at West Thumb in Yellowstone National Park."

Photo by Steph
Next week's theme: LIFE, LIVING, ALIVE. Send any photos that you think meet this theme--be creative. People, plants, animals, or any other living being. Thank you for reading!"You can buy food to feed the fish at the Botanic Gardens in my city. The hungry little buggers rush and cluster around you as the pellets fall in the water. I love their colors!"
Wednesday 07.29.09
This week's theme is SKY. Enjoy these beautiful photos!
Photo by Tyler
"Sunset on the lake in Flores, Guatemala."
"Lights on a summer night."
Photo by Celina
"The Sawtooth Mountains are the heart of the Idaho Rockies and my favorite place to ski in the winter and hike in the summer. These mountains embody the spirit of their iname--towering peaks jagged as the teeth of a saw, alternating keenly toward the sky and gently toward the earth."

Photo by Connie
"My family was enjoying a wonderful sunset (central Texas) in our front yard, and just before I snapped this shot, my husband looked back to see me, uh, snapping this shot. :)"
Photo by Trevor
"Long exposure pulls the light from near darkness at a hidden lake in bull of the woods wilderness..."
Wednesday 07.22.09
"Velcro. The most annoying useful invention since Microsoft Windows"
"The steps of technology that go between the cow and a brick of Tillamook Cheese."

Photo by Ron
"Check it out... Touch -2-0 technology.. Touch it on... Touch it off !!!"
"Yaquina Head lighthouse: Nearly obsolete because of GPS technology."
"You get an interesting effect taking a time-lapse photo in low light making regular LED's appear especially bright. This is my modified XBOX gaming console."
"Here is an example of Bahrainian Technology. They build a building with three wind turbines in it to take some of its power load off the grid. Good Idea right......not if your engineers don't account for the force applied to the building when the turbines are running. They now have to lock the turbines in place otherwise the building will rip itself apart....way to go Bahrain.....one Wind, zero Bahrain."
"The screw is a helical inclined plane, one of the original simple tools.
The others are Lever, Wheel and axle, Pulley, and Wedge.
Where would we be without this technology?"
Next week's theme is:
Please send them in to wednesdayphotos at gmail dot com. Thanks!
Wednesday 07.15.09
update: there is no new post yet today. please continue to send in your photos of "technology" to wednesdayphotos@gmail.com. Thank you for checking in!
This week's photos are of all sorts of forms of TRANSPORTATION.
This week's photos are of all sorts of forms of TRANSPORTATION.
"There's always a bigger fish..."
(Editor's note: look closely on this one!)
"When wandering through the streets of Barcelona with my brother, we stumbled across a street lined with people who were all staring intently in the same direction. As we approached in curiosity, we found a Spanish newspaper which said the Tour de France would be finishing in Barcelona that day. Sure enough, less than 2 minutes later the police procession led the bikers right past us. We were in exactly the right place at the right time."
"Delivery boat in Venice"
"Having just had foot surgery, I realize how much feet are essential for transporting ourselves. Let's not take them for granted!"
"One of the biggest reasons why I left LA....took me four hours to go 3.5 miles....."
"Mules taking a break from the trail ride in central Texas."
"From Brother's, Oregon...transportation from another era"
Next week's theme is: TECHNOLOGY
Wednesday 07.08.09
Enjoy these photos of SUMMER!

"Sandy little shoes"Photo by Alexandra
"Lights on a summer night."

Photo by Pam
"My very first garden this summer! So nice to walk outside every morning for fresh produce!"
"This is the rim of Mt. Mazama reflected in Crater Lake. The blue was so spectacular."

Photo by Kevin
"I know its summer when I have a strange urge to spend my free time blowing stuff up."
Photo by Mike
"round rainbow summer solstice sunrise"
Photo by Trevor
"Looking west toward the setting sun on July 4. kayaking downstream on the Willamette towards Portland's fireworks..."
Next week's theme is TRANSPORTATION.
Send in all those photos of those things that transport! wednesdayphotos at gmail.com!
Send in all those photos of those things that transport! wednesdayphotos at gmail.com!
Wednesday 07.01.09
"On our final night in Yelapa, Mexico, we took in one of the most beautiful sunsets we'd ever seen. the rainy season coming to a close, and the tourists not yet arrived, we had the beach to ourselves, in a place reminiscent of a world gone by..."

Photo by Kori
"I took this photo lying on a bench in the park blocks while a friend and I talked about, well, nothing."

Photo by Ryan
"Some things in life are too good not to indulge...including snapping this photo at my sister's wedding!"

Photo by Pam
"A photo taken from Grant Park in Chicago, it is a view of the southwestern part of the city, from where I was standing at least! Grant Park has free concerts and free movies, you can put down a blanket, drink some wine, and sing and laugh with your friends all summer long!"

Photo by Kevin
"Ship anchored of the coast of Corn Island in Nicaragua. It was very dark out....left the shutter open for about 2 min. I love playing with low light situations."
"When we were in Belgrade, our friend took us to the Cathedral of St Sava, the main cathedral of the Serbian Orthodox Church. It was undergoing renovation, and the construction dust created beams of light from the upper windows."
Next week's theme is: SUMMER.
Please send them in to wednesdayphotos@gmail.com.
Please send them in to wednesdayphotos@gmail.com.
Wednesday 06.25.09
Happy Wednesday! This week's theme was HOME. Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised at how varied my photo submissions are for each week, and sometimes I'm shocked how similar they are. You'll have to take a look at this week's first and last photos to see what I mean. This isn't the first time I've had something like this!
Enjoy these photos of HOMES.

Photo by Nita
"Home tweet home
We witnessed the diligence of nest building which always amazes me. Then mama bird appeared and sat and sat and sat in her new home. Alas, she abandoned it and I discovered the proverbial empty nest! We'll never know the fate of the family and property values are declining!"

Photo by Connie"Home is Sunday morning breakfast when my husband gives me a break. And dirty dishes always lurk in the sink. Yeah, that's home."
"People probably don’t think much about the stories that old barns could tell. With fond memories of times with my cousins in the barn at my grandparents’ ranch, I know there are stories of horses romping and getting saddled, cows mooing and being milked, spiders creeping, children playing, bats squeaking, hay smelling fresh in the summer heat."
"My favorite place is the state park in my hometown. When I was in elementary school, my mom and I went there to watch my brother's cross country meets, and then I ran there myself when I got to high school. One day's run took you on a journey through falling light, and one season took you from the bright golden end of summer, thick with grass and bees, to the silver chill of November. After we graduated and moved away to college, my friend and I would come back in the park to run together over the summer. I took this shot last summer, when I came home for two weeks in between finishing grad school and moving for my new job. The park is a little different each year - with new plants growing over old paths, or a rebuilt picnic table - but it's always home. To me, it's the most beautiful place in the world."
"My brother's garden in early spring..."

Photo by Brendan
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos! Next week's theme is: LIGHT. Now that summer is here, the days are longer, the sun bats its beautiful rays in every which way, it's the perfect time for you to get out and snap those photos with interesting light. Send them in to wednesdayphotos@gmail.com."The penthouse. (Two new robins moved out last week)."
Thank you!
Wednesday 06.17.09
This week's theme was BEAUTY. And these photos are beautiful, that's for sure! Enjoy!

Photo by Graham
"Havasu Falls; Grand Canyon. The last place in America where you get a pack mule stamp on your postage when you send something out."
"We saw these beautiful rose hips in late summer along the side of the trail as we walked across northern England on Wainwright’s Coast to Coast Path."
"Atop the first ascent in the Friends of the Columbia Gorge Ride last weekend. Every time I go to the Gorge I am struck speechless from its beauty and usually end up say something unpoetical like, "It's to f-ing pretty!""
"Kajiado Kenya, Maasai Women"
Next week's theme is: HOME. (And as usual, interpret this as you wish!)
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